
Use, goodbye privacy: Web browsing data for sale

From K4Biz – Congress voted last week to eliminate consent for the transfer of data collected by Internet Providers. Now only Donald Trump's signature is missing and no more consent will be needed

Use, goodbye privacy: Web browsing data for sale

The United States Congress, last Tuesday, voted to eliminate the rules that imposed respect for privacy by Internet service providers (ISPs); the vote follows that of the Senate by a week. The last word now belongs to President Donald Trump who will certainly ratify the decision to deprive users of the right to privacy of their data.

This is the end of the privacy rules imposed by the Federal Communications Commission.

In fact, last year, the FCC made it mandatory for internet, broadband and mobile service providers to obtain the prior consent of consumers before they can sell or share their web browsing history with advertisers (and other companies). of users, data on the use of different applications and other private information. Through the authority conferred by the Congressional Review Act (CRA), the current majority has managed not only to abolish the rule, but also to prevent the FCC from issuing similar regulations in the future.

Read more here: For sale: Your private browsing history
