
Usa, car on anti-racist procession: 3 dead

A woman and two agents died in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a car deliberately hit an anti-racist procession - 35 are injured - Four arrested, including the driver - FBI investigation open - State of emergency proclaimed by the Governor of the Virginia

Usa, car on anti-racist procession: 3 dead

Bloody Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. An anti-racist march was attacked and hit by a car which killed a woman and two officers. The driver, a XNUMX-year-old from Ohio, was arrested along with three other alleged perpetrators.

The FBI has opened an investigation into the possible violation of civil rights and the Governor of Virginia has proclaimed a state of emergency.

President Trump condemned the mournful clashes but never mentioned racism, which is at the basis of the bloody events and this oversight has sparked furious controversy from the Democrats, led by Hillary Clinton.
