
US to Greece: agreement or harsh consequences

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew phoned Greek Minister Varoufakis: "It's time to get down to business: uncertainty is not a good thing for Europe". And Yanis on Twitter: "Damage for Greece and for the EU, a warning to both!"

US to Greece: agreement or harsh consequences

The United States also takes the field in the Greek negotiation: the secretary of the treasury Jack Lew in fact, Athens Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis called today, warning of "immediate difficulties" without an agreement and asking for collaboration with the EU and the IMF.

“It's time to get down to business,” Jack Lew told his Greek colleague. "It is time to find a constructive path in agreement with the IMF and the European finance ministers: uncertainty is not a good thing for Europe". Lew then pressed Varoufakis that a Greece's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and with Europe it must be based on the fact that there is room for making progress both in terms of growth and in terms of reforms. The US Treasury secretary also assured his Greek colleague that he will do everything to encourage Greece's international creditors to reach an agreement.
  “The US Treasury secretary told me a no-deal would hurt Greece. He added that it would also harm Europe. A warning to both of you!" Thus the Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, commented on the call with Lew on Twitter.
