
Usa 2016, Clinton wins first duel with Trump

According to CNN and most observers, Hillary won the first TV duel with Donald Trump, who remained very defensive - Clinton accused the Republican candidate of being sexist and racist - The tycoon tried to reply by arguing that the his “is a winning temperament”

Usa 2016, Clinton wins first duel with Trump

According to CNN's instant poll, Hillary Clinton prevailed over Donald Trump in the first TV duel between the two candidates for the 2016 US presidential election. One hundred million people were glued to their televisions to watch one of the most decisive clashes of the entire electoral campaign, and the show did not disappoint expectations.

To the first question about how each candidate thinks they can create new jobs and help workers, Hillary responded that she wants equal pay for men and women and more profit sharing by companies. Trump instead suggested that the main problem is to prevent jobs from ending up abroad, in China and Mexico.

When the moderator asked Trump if he wants to finally go public with his own tax return (so far he has refused), the Republican candidate replied that he will when Hillary releases the "33mila email which he canceled". Hillary accused him of not wanting to reveal his income because he is bankrupt or because he does not pay taxes or suppliers.

As for the racial clashes, "We need to restore law and order," Trump said. Clinton accused the Republican candidate of racism for questioning whether Obama was born in the United States, but the Republican candidate argued that the first requests for the US president to publish the birth certificate came from Clinton's team during the primaries Democrats of 2008 (all commentators deny that this happened).

On the front of relations with Russia, "Donald praises Putin – said Hillary -, but Putin is playing his game with us". The Democratic candidate recalled that Trump had invited Russian hackers to hit America and according to the FBI this would have been the origin of some attacks on the computer system of the National Democratic Commission and the US electoral system. "We don't know who is behind the hacker attacks - Trump defended himself - it could also be the Chinese, or someone from his home", and in support of this thesis he cited his son Barron, who at 10 seems to be very good with computer.

For the war against Isis, according to Clinton, to win it, it is necessary to support the Kurds, fight extremist propaganda and destroy the leadership of the Caliphate. Trump instead said that Isis has grown "in the vacuum" created by Obama and his former secretary of state. The Republican candidate then denied having supported the war in Iraq, rejecting the allegations of Hillary and the moderator. But in an interview in 2002, when asked if he was in favor of invading Iraq, Trump replied: "Yes, I would say yes ... I wish it had ended the first time." To tell the truth, it must be remembered that Clinton was also in favor of that war.

At the end of the confrontation, the two candidates let themselves go to some personal accusations: Trump has suggested that Hillary has not "the temper" to play president, while Clinton harshly criticized her rival for sexism of some comments made in the past about its employees.
