
Unpaid taxes, the application for installments, which rise to 84, is done online: here's how much they cost with the Tax Simulator

The Revenue Agency-Collection has launched a simulator to pay tax debts in installments, with plans for up to 84 installments for amounts up to 120 thousand euros and options for higher amounts and particular situations

Unpaid taxes, the application for installments, which rise to 84, is done online: here's how much they cost with the Tax Simulator

THERevenue-Collection Agency (Ader) introduced a new digital tool to facilitate the management of tax debts. The new version of “ is now available on the official portalPay in installments now” – available in the reserved area of ​​the Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione website or from the Equiclick app – a service that allows you to simulate installment plans, offering taxpayers a clear and immediate view of the available options. This tool is designed for those who wish to regularize their position with the Tax Office, with flexible solutions that vary based on the size of the debt and the declared economic situation.

The new rules for installment payments

If a taxpayer finds himself in temporary financial difficulty, he can ask for the sums due to be paid in installments, up to 120 thousand euros, directly through the Tax Office. Until 2024, it was possible to obtain a payment deferral in maximum 72 installments, but the new provisions have extended this possibility. From 2025 to 2026, it is possible to arrive up to 84 monthly installments, while for requests made between 2027 and 2028 the limit rises to 96 installments. Starting in 2029, the number of installments can reach up to 108.

For those who find themselves in an even more difficult situation difficult and can document it, there are options that allow for even longer installments. In this case, the Revenue Agency-Collection will be able to grant, after having verified the requirements, a payment plan that varies from 85 to 120 monthly installments for the requests submitted between the 2025 and the 2026, from 97 to 120 installments for those presented by 2027 al 2028, and from 109 to 120 installments for those who request the extension starting from 2029.

And what about those who have higher debts or want more installments?

By amounts over 120 thousand euros, or to obtain an installment plan with a number of installments greater than that foreseen for the simple request (e.g. more than 84 installments in 2025-2026), it is necessary to prove a ttemporary economic difficulty. In these cases, the taxpayer must attach to the appropriate application documentation, like the ISEE for natural persons.

If the requirements are met, the repayment plan may extend up to 120 monthly installments, equal to 10 years, regardless of the amount of the debt or the year in which the application was submitted.

How the installment simulator works

Inside the section Installments of the Tax Office website, the simulator allows you to preliminarily check the requirements to access the deferral, in addition to the maximum number of installments that can be granted and their indicative amount. The calculation is based on a 4,5% annual interest rate and has no binding value, since theactual amount of the installments will be determined based on the nature of debt and the documentation presented.

example, with a debt of 40 thousand euros and an ISEE of 20 thousand euros, the system could propose up to 60 monthly installments of approximately 685 euros each. This calculation takes into account the annual interest rate of 4,5%, applied to the residual debt.

For a more substantial debt, for example 90 thousand euros, and an ISEE of 15 thousand euros, you could access a plan of 120 installments of about 780 euros each, always including interest. These calculations allow you to evaluate the sustainability of the plan before sending the official request.
