
Unipol waives appeal to the Tar on the Fonsai merger

The group chaired by Pierluigi Stefanini renounces its appeal to the Tar against the measures imposed by the Antitrust to protect against competition in the context of the merger with Fonsai – Both Unipol and Fondiaria Sai fall back on the Stock Exchange.

Unipol waives appeal to the Tar on the Fonsai merger

Unipol waives the appeal to the Tar against the measures decided by the Antitrust on the merger with Fonsai. The company chaired by Pierluigi Stefanini has decided to withdraw the appeal announced against the Authority which had imposed certain measures to protect competition, requesting, in particular, the transfer of premiums for an amount of 1,7 billion.

Meanwhile, in line with the negative performance of Piazza Affari, both Unipol and Fondiaria Sai are falling on the Stock Exchange. Both stocks, at mid-morning, recorded losses of around 3%.
