
Civil unions: stop the grillini in the Senate

M5S refuses to vote for the superkangaroo, keeping 8-900 amendments alive – At this point the Democratic Party could decide to withdraw stepchild adoption from the provision to find another majority in the Chamber.

Civil unions: stop the grillini in the Senate

There was no vote on the "super kangaroo". The Northern League withdrew 4.500 of the more than 5 amendments presented to the Cirinnà bill on civil unions from the Senate, therefore the 5 Star Movement surprisingly decided not to vote any more on the amendment which would have made almost all the other change, thus missing the numbers to approve it. The sitting was suspended.

“The super kangaroo is a little unconstitutional trick – said M5S Senator Alberto Airola – and I don't feel like asking my group to vote for it. I prefer to discuss the 500 amendments”.

Debora Serracchiani, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, commented angrily: "Today we could have marked a historic date, but Grillo and his oligarchy have imposed an absurd stop on civil rights in our country, going against their electorate and against common sense" .

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has returned from Argentina: it will be necessary to see if he will endorse the decision that the Senate party seems to have already taken, namely to have the superkangaroo vote on Wednesday morning despite the grillini's step back. At the moment, there are no numbers, but the alternative is to withdraw the superkangaroo and then discuss and vote on the 8-900 remaining amendments.

"We have to understand whether to go ahead, keeping the point - is Renzi's reasoning -, or whether it is wiser to remove stepchild adoption to find a majority in the Chamber that will pass this law, which is and remains our main objective".
