
Unioncamere, SELFI4.0: how digital is your company?

The self-assessment test dedicated to companies is online to discover the level of digital maturity and highlight the specific areas on which to intervene. The initiative is part of the services offered by the network of 77 digital enterprise points launched by the Chambers of Commerce

Unioncamere, SELFI4.0: how digital is your company?

The Chambers of Commerce have launched SELFI4.0 online, the self-assessment test to discover the level of digital maturity of companies. It is a quick and simple questionnaire at the end of which each company will be able to have a snapshot of the degree of 4.0 maturity achieved, but also useful indications on the priority areas on which to intervene.

SELFI4.0 is one of the services offered by the network of 77 PIDs (Digital Enterprise Points) that Unioncamere is creating to support and develop the digitization processes of Italian companies as part of the national Enterprise 4.0 plan.

To proceed with the test, simply fill in a online questionnaire, divided into 8 thematic areas, and receive the complete report including summary indications to improve one's level of digital maturity. Following this first photograph, the company may decide to contact the PID offices of its Chamber of Commerce directly to book a guided evaluation with a digital promoter, a qualified professional figure that the Chamber system is training through a course of study that started last March 21st.

There are already 86 trained digital promoters, selected by 36 Chambers of Commerce to educate companies on the new 4.0 technologies. They will be the ones – who will be over 200 when fully operational – who will go directly to the companies to carry out the assessment and define their state of digital maturity with the aim of improving it by: identifying the most suitable technologies for the single production reality; addressing the technological services offered by the Chambers of Commerce and by the other partners of the Industry 4.0 Network (Digital Innovation Hub and the Competence Centers).

“PIDs are the first level of contact of companies within the national Enterprise 4.0 network. The assessment tools that we make available to them allow them to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their digital status. After this step, the company will be able to decide what to invest in to improve its competitiveness by focusing on new technologies”. This is what the underlined general secretary of Unioncamere, Giuseppe Tripoli.
