
Unioncamere: bad checks halved in 3 years

According to the data published by Unioncamere between the first half of 2012 and 2015, "cabriolet" titles actually decreased by 57% in terms of number and by 63% in terms of value.

Unioncamere: bad checks halved in 3 years

Bad checks halved compared to 2012. This is the snapshot that emerges from the data collected by the Chambers of Commerce and processed by InfoCamere on behalf of Unioncamere. Between the first half of 2012 and 2015, i convertible titles in fact, they decreased by 57% in terms of number and by 63% in terms of value, accentuating a decline which also characterized the performance of bills of exchange, which decreased, in the same period, by 37% in terms of number and by 51 % in terms of value.

Between January and June 2015, in particular, the occasions in which a citizen or a company were forced to resort to a public official to notify a non-payment reached 388.305, for a total value of almost 714 million euro. 81% of promissory notes is represented by bills of exchange (315.283), while checks make up 18% (70.218). Compared to the first half of 2014, almost 90 fewer bills were recorded (-19%) and a reduction in the total amount of more than 233 million euro (-25%).

In the last year, the number of checks decreased a little more (-21%), while bills of exchange decreased by 18%. In economic terms, the value of the protested bills decreased by over 135 million euros, that of the checks by over 95 million. The territorial analysis shows that the most conspicuous slowdown in the protested effects between the first half of 2014 and the first half of 2015 was recorded in Valle d'Aosta (-48,77%); followed by Umbria (-28,66%) and Calabria (-23,40%). In monetary terms, however, the most obvious stop is that recorded by Liguria (-61,54%) which distances the halving of the Aosta Valley "promissory notes" by a few percentage points (-51,17% compared to 2014).

Among the provinces, if large cities such as Rome, Milan, Naples and Salerno lead the ranking in terms of number of securities protested, in terms of amounts levied Sondrio, Treviso, Pesaro and Urbino rise to the top of the ranking, in which on average the ” exceed 3 thousand euros. At the other end of the ranking are the residents of Trieste, Verbania (with average amounts of around 800 euros) and Biella (911).
