
Unioncamere: 83 hires between April and June, a record for 36 months

According to Unioncamere estimates, the balance of hirings of private companies between April and June was positive for 83 thousand units - The country's economic recovery and the Jobs Act approved by the Renzi government were decisive - Compared to the same period of the previous year, hirings at permanent contracts grew by more than 80%.

Unioncamere: 83 hires between April and June, a record for 36 months

Employment is growing, driven by the country's slow economic recovery and by the Jobs Act. This is stated by Uniocamere, according to which between April and June 83 additional jobs were created by industry and service companies. A figure which, according to the association's press release, represents the most consistent positive balance for 36 months now.

Recruitments envisaged on permanent contracts (68.400) reach their all-time high since January 2012, representing 24% of total revenue, while the positive balances expected by June will extend to all sectors even if focusing on tourism, for the approaching the summer season.

An increase which, according to Unioncamere, involves to a large extent all of Italy: in addition to the North West, where the positive impulse given by the Expo continues, there are soaring positive balances both in the North East and in the South (in addition 25 thousand units) and in the Center (approx 19 thousand).

“The comparison with the second quarter of 2014 – reads the press release – allows us to grasp the effect of the most recent measures launched by the Government on the labor market: permanent hires are in fact almost 80% more than a year ago. Less conspicuous, on the other hand, is the growth in new hires with fixed-term contracts (157 thousand, an increase of 4,6% compared to the second quarter of 2014) and temporary contracts (27 thousand revenues, +7,8%). On the other hand, the expected revenues with apprenticeship contracts are down (they will be 8.800, -8,7% compared to a year ago) and, above all, project collaborations (8.500 are expected, with a reduction of 36,4% compared to April-June 2014).
