
Unioncamere: 59 trademarks and 44 European patents filed in 12 years

Between 1999 and 2010, Italian creativity obtained the protection of its productions in Europe, through the registration of the Community trademark, a procedure that the crisis failed to stop. On the other hand, European patents are slowing down.

Unioncamere: 59 trademarks and 44 European patents filed in 12 years

"Fast consumer" products, the fashion system, electronic, electrical, optical, digital devices and more: eyewear, helmets, fire extinguishers.

These are the most common areas in which the Italian creativity has requested – and obtained – the protection of its productions in Europe through the registration of the Community trade mark.

The medical and veterinary field, the packaging and the automotive one in which, on the other hand, the genius of our compatriots has been most expressed, recognized through the EU patent.

But while in the case of trademarks the crisis had no impact, so much so that, between 2009 and 2010, the increase in Italian applications submitted to theOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Uami) was over the8%, the difficult economic situation has slowed down – in our country but not only – recourse to patenting by almost 6%.

These are some of the elements that emerge from reading the data of theUnioncamere Observatory on Community Patents and Trademarks, relating to the period 1999-2010.

"The support that the chamber system provides to companies, in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development, so that they protect their inventions and their brand both at a community and international level - said the president of Unioncamere, Ferruccio Dardanello - derives from the observation that the filing of patents and trademarks is essential to protect Italian creativity and genius in the world against counterfeiting actions which cause serious damage to the national economy both in terms of reduction of the competitiveness of companies, both in terms of safety and tax revenues".
