Unicredit subscribes 12 million minibonds of Valtellina Spa


Unicredit subscribed to a minibond from 12 million euro issued by Valtellina Spa, a company from Gorle (in the province of Bergamo) which has been producing telecommunications and energy infrastructures since 1937. Bonds have maturity in five years e a six-monthly variable coupon indexed to the Euribor. The objective of the loan, reads a note, is "to support the industrial group in its path of growth and corporate development".

After more than 80 years, the company is still led by the Valtellina family and has overall about two thousand employees, distributed in various offices between Italy, Romania, Argentina and Brazil.

“Il minibonds it is one of the alternative finance tools that extremely dynamic and innovative entrepreneurial realities such as Valtellina Spa resort to with increasing frequency – commented Giovanni Solaroli, Lombardy Regional Manager of Unicredit – This, from our point of view, can only represent a positive element, since the issuance of minibonds is often the expression of an ongoing phase of growth. It is clear that these operations require a structured financial counterparty and this is why Unicredit intends to offer itself as a reference partner for companies in these paths".

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