Here are the first results of the so-called “Italy Effect”. The American rating agency Standard & Poor's has revised the estimates of some of the most important Italian companies listed on the Stock Exchange.
Among these, Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa announced that S&P has revised its long-term rating upwards from BBB- to BBB. The short-term rating also improved, passing from A-3 to A-2. The outlook is stable. The decision reflects the same intervention made for Italy's sovereign rating, dating back to last October 27th.
Another company affected by the growing estimates of Standard & Poor's is Poste Italiane. The rating agency upgraded the company's long-term rating from BBB- to BBB with a stable outlook. As for CDP, analysts have also increased the short-term rating from A-3 to A-2. Also in this case, the upward revision of Poste Italiana's financial solidity and reliability is closely related to the change in the valuation of the Italian debt.
The same upward estimates for Unicredit. Long-term rating BBB and short-term rating A-2.