
Unicredit, "Go International!" at the go

The seminars of Go International!, a program of courses organized by Unicredit to help companies in export and internationalisation, will start again on March XNUMXth. The next appointments will concern methods for creating traffic on websites through social networks as well as international taxation and e-commerce

Unicredit, "Go International!" at the go

The Video Seminars of Go International!, Program of UniCredit which offers companies free courses on topics related to exports and internationalization to support their growth in international markets. The first appointment with the Video Seminar 2015 Go International! has as its theme "Ecommerce as a strategic choice". It will be held by Google Italia on 20 March next, from 16,30 pm to 18 pm, and it will be possible to follow it from 47 UniCredit offices and not throughout Italy.

Upcoming events will focus on:
– How to create traffic on websites through social networks and the support of advertising in online sales (held by Facebook – Date: May 21st);
– International taxation and e-commerce (Held by Studio Tributario e Societario – Date: 30 September).

In the Video Seminar programme, the teachers (experts from outside the bank with high skills in the topic addressed) are connected via video, the participants will be able to go to their nearest branch to attend the lesson live, ask the expert questions by email, count on the support of the UniCredit professionals present in the classroom and interact with the other companies present.

Go International! The UniCredit Learning Experience

It is the UniCredit program which, in various ways, offers free training on export and internationalization issues. It is aimed at companies that have started or intend to start a process of opening up to foreign markets and need to acquire more knowledge on specific technical issues (taxation, contracts, payment systems, digitalisation, etc.) in order to make sustainable and appropriate choices for their business.

These are the different methods of delivering the courses designed according to the needs of companies: video seminar; Export Business School (master path of 5 classroom days); Export Manager Day (round table followed by two/three parallel workshops on specific topics); courses created with local stakeholders; in-house courses (delivered directly at the company). The Go International! makes available to businesses, both customers and non-customers, the wealth of experience and know-how of qualified professionals (internal and external to the bank), to accompany entrepreneurs and export managers, through the leverage of training and information in this important opportunity to growth in foreign markets.
