
Unicredit, Ghizzoni: the EU bank-saving plan is of no use to Italy

This is what was stated by the CEO of the Italian group, Federico Ghizzoni, on the occasion of Savings Day. "Italian banks don't have any particular problems, the EU provision is not aimed at them". Then, on decision times: "The important thing is that they are short, the markets need to understand"

Unicredit, Ghizzoni: the EU bank-saving plan is of no use to Italy

The European Union's bank-saving plan shouldn't affect our country's credit system, which "has no particular problems". That's what he said the managing director of Unicredit, Federico Ghizzoni, meeting journalists at Savings Day. “Italian banks are overall OK”.

“We are waiting – underlined Ghizzoni – for precise information: we have not yet received any. However – he concluded – I don't expect particular problems for the Italian system".

“It takes a little more courage because the important thing is to announce the programs but also to bring them home and implement them quickly: this is what Europe and the markets expect. The important thing – concluded the CEO of Unicredit – is the timing, which should be short. The programs are fine but need to be implemented. Markets need to understand how and when things will move forward".
