
Unicredit Foundation aims to relaunch with new objectives and governance, focus on education and young people

UniCredit Foundation has appointed Andrea Orcel as president for the next three years. Giorgio Barba Navaretti has been appointed Vice President and Silvia Cappellini as the new General Manager

Unicredit Foundation aims to relaunch with new objectives and governance, focus on education and young people

Counter the school dropout, facilitate the school-to-work transition, encourage access to'university and support it study and research. These are the goals of Unicredit Foundation announcing a new Purpose and new governance.

In line with the approach taken over the past 19 years, which is to advocate projects prominent with a social impact significant and a innovative profile, UniCredit has relaunched his Foundation and provides young Europeans with equal educational opportunities with instruments needed to get through academic and professional world. Moreover, these activities represent a lever for the implementation of UniCredit's social strategy and which are part of the commitment undertaken by the Group on ESG issues, says a note from the institute in Piazza Gae Aulenti: "The Foundation, which makes its Purpose of Group to offer the communities in which it operates the levers for progress, aims to unleash the potential of the new generations in Europe".

Orcel is the new president of Unicredit Foundation. Maurizio Beretta exits

The Board of Directors of UniCredit Foundation ETS (Third Sector Organization) has appointed Andrea Orcell President for the next three years, taking the place of Maurizio Beretta. Giorgio Barba Navaretti was appointed Vice President e Silvia Cappellini new General Manager.

“Education is essential. It is a key enabler for the future of Europe and, as an institution, it is our responsibility to identify, support and help young people – those who will build the foundation for our continent's progress and success in the years to come,” he said Andrew Orcel, Chairman of UniCredit Foundation and CEO of UniCredit Group.” The Bank's purpose is to offer the communities in which we operate levers for progress and this goes through our constant commitment to promoting the evolution and development of the company, in line with the ESG strategy and the strategic plan of the Group”.

“Attention to the concrete needs of new generations it is what will make Europe truly sustainable and forward-looking,” he said Giorgio Barba Navaretti Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of UniCredit Foundation. “We are committed to ensuring that our young people are adequately prepared to support and build the society of the future, giving them the tools to become the leaders of tomorrow”.

Thanks to its extensive network in the education sector, to his international experience and in-depth knowledge of the local communities of UniCredit, the Foundation will select partners more suitable to be able to assist and support it in the various initiatives aimed at combating early school leaving, facilitating the school-work transition, encouraging access to university and supporting study and research.

The other members of the board

In addition to the President and the Vice-President, they are part of the Board of Directors, composed of nine international members, the confirmed Serenella De Candia, Compliance Officer of the UniCredit Group, and the six newly elected: Katharina Gehra, Szilvia Gyurkó, Roberto Kutić, Dorith Salvarani-Drill, Gerry Salole and Klaus Schwertner. The members of the Supervisory and Review Body remain confirmed for the next three years: Giorgio Loli as Chairman, Elisabetta Magistretti and Michele Paolillo. The Scientific Committee, made up of 11 other members, will continue to be directed by Professor Marco Pagano.

THU more information on the new Purpose
