
Unicredit and Vodafone: leasing and more security on cars and vans

The Unicredit group company strengthens its role in financial leasing with the top-level partnership with Vodafone Automotive, which deals with the design and production of electronic devices for vehicle safety and has 2500 assistance points throughout Italy

Unicredit and Vodafone: leasing and more security on cars and vans

UniCredit Leasing and Vodafone Automotive have announced the launch of Fulll Option, the new light-duty leasing service
(motor vehicles and commercial vehicles of less than 35 quintals) dedicated to businesses and freelancers.

Thanks to the new service, customers will not only be able to finance the vehicle while maintaining the tax benefits of leasing - to which Super Amortization and the new Sabatini Ter can potentially be added - but also access a series of offers ranging from tire changes to maintenance ordinary and extraordinary, with the possibility of redeeming the vehicle upon expiry of the contract.

Vodafone Automotive, thanks to its capillary network throughout the territory and its expertise, will allow a high standing of service.

In fact, the customer will have the advantage of having, with a predetermined and fixed cost, a vehicle that is always in perfect conditions of efficiency and safety with specific maintenance interventions in the area and a single contact person.

Vodafone Automotive provides the service through Car Full Service, relying on 2.500 assistance points throughout Italy. 
