
Unicredit, Decio on the Board of Mediobanca in place of Palenzona

After the resignation of the vice president linked to the new law on dual duties, the manager was today designated as a replacement by the Board of Directors in Piazza Cordusio, which also appointed him the new "Chief risk officer".

Unicredit, Decio on the Board of Mediobanca in place of Palenzona

Alessandro Maria Decio will replace the vice president of Unicredit, Fabrizio Palenzona on the board of directors of Mediobanca. Current manager of "Families & SMEs" of Piazza Cordusio, Decio was designated today by the Bank's board of directors, which also appointed him new "Chief risk officer", effective from XNUMX August. 

Palenzona had resigned from Mediobanca's board of directors on 26 April to comply with the new rules on the prohibition of double positions in banks and insurance companies set forth in article 36 of the Salva-Italia decree.

Decio also replaces Karl Guha in the role of Chief risk officer, who "has decided to leave the group for personal reasons related to his return to Holland", as explained in the press release released at the end of the Unicredit board meeting. The responsibility of the "Families & SMEs" division is assigned ad interim to the general manager, Roberto Nicastro.

“I thank Karl for the important work he has done in recent years in the group – Ghizzoni declared – which today benefits, also thanks to his active contribution, from a robust and efficient risk monitoring and management structure. I am sure that the skills acquired by Alessandro will be able to consolidate this important area of ​​the group". 

Decio, 46, graduated in Economics from Bocconi, has been with the Unicredit group since June 2000. 
