
Unicredit: Capital Research at 5,072%, here is the new shareholding structure of the bank

The shareholding structure of Unicredit changes again – Capital Research is once again the first shareholder with 5,072% of the capital, overtaking the Abu Dhabi fund, Aabar Luxembourg, which holds a stake of 5,042%.

The shareholder structure of Unicredit changes again, in the process of settling after the upheaval caused by the 13 billion capital increase last February. Capital Research, the American fund manager who was previously the main shareholder of the bank in Piazza Gae Aulenti, is once again the leading shareholder with 5,072% of the capital by way of discretionary asset management, overtaking the Abu Dhabi fund, Aabar Luxembourg, which owns of a share equal to 5,042%.

The news comes directly from Consob communications relating to significant shareholdings. According to what was communicated by Consob, Capital Research allegedly carried out various trading operations on Unicredit shares and it appears in fact that on 28 February Capital Research had fallen to 4,092% from the 6,7% held before the capital increase.

This consolidates the share of Unicredit in the hands of foreign funds which on 20 April, on the basis of what Gianni Franco Papa communicated during the bank's shareholders' meeting, amounted to 72%. Among them, according to what was stated by the managing director Jean Pierre Mustier, there should also be "a sovereign wealth fund of a Northern European country, which you can easily identify", presumably referring to Norges Bank.

As regards the remaining capital, however, the Foundations have diluted to 6% of the capital (Crt and Cariverona would be under 2%), small savers are left with a share of 13%, while the rest is in the hands of indistinct subjects.

In Piazza Affari, less than half an hour after closing, the Unicredit share gained 1,54% against a FTSEMib up by 0,5%.
