
A free e-book by Claudio Napoleoni from goWare for FIRSTonline readers

FIRSTonline and goWare want to celebrate 10 years of fruitful collaboration with a free e-book by the great economist Claudio Napoleoni to read online or to download in EPUB format made available by goWare

A free e-book by Claudio Napoleoni from goWare for FIRSTonline readers

GoWare has been collaborating with the editorial staff of FIRSTonline for almost a decade, which on Sundays hosts a speech prepared by our team on topics of various current affairs. We would like to celebrate this decennial and the beginning of 2023 with a tribute to the readers. We have made available free to download or read online, the eBook edition of one of the classics of the history of economic thought: Claudio Napoleoni in “The Physiocrats, Smith, Ricardo, Marx. The origins of political economy".

Generations of economists, scholars and people who have attended courses in economics, politics, law, history and more have been trained on this text. Napoleoni's work is still today, almost half a century after his departure, one of the clearest, most accessible, synthetic and effective expositions of the theories of the founders of modern political economy: the Physiocrats, Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Carlo Marx. The thought of these giants, far from being exhausted with the wear and tear of ever faster time, still represents one of the most relevant and essential contributions to understanding and interpreting the world in which we live.

Claudio Napoleoni (L'Aquila 1927 – Andorno Micca, 1988) was one of the great protagonists
of the Italian political and economic debate since the XNUMXs. Much appreciated also abroad, he is the author of fundamental essays for interpreting economic thought over the centuries. He was a deputy and then a senator of the Republic with the independent Left. His latest book "Seek Again" constitutes his theoretical and human testament.

"Seek again" could be a good resolution to face 2023. Happy reading and happy new year! Read online or download Claudio Napoleoni's ebook, “I Fisiocrati, Smith, Ricardo Marx. The origins of political economy” in ePub format.
