
A course on leadership: 12 large companies launch LFactor

A training course to train today's managers and guide them in leadership management. Tim, Eni, FS, Banca Ifis and other important groups promote it

A course on leadership: 12 large companies launch LFactor

At the race start LFactor, a training course on leadership designed to help managers. It is a collective project, born during the lockdown period, which involves 12 large companies: Aci Informatica, Agos, Banca Ifis, Cisco, Danone, Eni, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Microsoft, Rds 100% Grandi Successi, Tim and Tim Brasil.

These realities “met and questioned each other about what to do to train your managers and guide them in managing the leadership of the near future. A future where it will be essential to combine critical vision and listening and where it will be necessary to respond quickly to the evolution of external dynamics and intercept the transformations of people's needs and the socio-economic context. Especially in this period of widespread suffering and uncertainty, leaders are called to give their best in supporting their teams. 

Reflections that led, in concentration, to the birth of an E-Learning course aimed at partner companies which from 2021 will be made available free of charge to all interested companies. 

In detail, LFactor is aimed at all those who perform or are intended to assume a leadership position and to manage complex situations and is dedicated to soft, but at the same time strategic, assets of people, time and performance management. During the The two-hour course will cover the following topics: freedom, authenticity, trust and performance that are essential to best respond to new, more agile ways of working and new future challenges.
