
Ultimatum from Renzi's Pd to Letta: a reshuffle is not enough, either you change radically or you die

The discontent of Renzi's Pd towards the Letta government is no longer hidden - "This Pd - said Renzi's Davide Faraone, head of Welfare of the party - cannot afford this Government" after 2 the impressive list of mistakes of the last few days" - The reshuffle it is not enough: "either you change radically or you die"

The ultimatum from Matteo Renzi's Pd to the Letta government could not really be clearer and tougher than this. "This Pd - said Davide Faraone, Renzian member of the secretariat and Welfare manager of the party - can no longer afford this government" especially after the "impressive series of errors" of the last few days, starting with the mess of the Rome-saving decree for continue with slot machines and gold rentals until the milleproroghe decree. 

But at this point - say the Renzians - "a touch-up or a reshuffle is not enough: either you change radically or you die". "While we are working on an agenda of major reforms for the country with certain times of completion - added Faraone - there are those in the Government and in Parliament who are burning everything but this is not the case".

Faraone is echoed by another Renzian like Senator Andrea Marcucci: "Before there was Berlusconi and the Government couldn't do much, but now Berlusconi is gone and the Government still doesn't do much".

For now, Letta, who has always been against the reshuffle for fear that by moving a few pieces everything will collapse, is silent but Angelino Alfani's New Center Right arrives in his defense with the former Senate President Schifani who recalls how Ncd's votes are decisive for the majority. They will see what will happen in the next few hours, also in light of the end-of-year message from the Head of State.
