It doesn't get more ambiguous than this.Italian it couldn't be on the case Ukraine al European Parliament: yes to Kiev's support but not to the use of Western long-range weapons to hit the bases from which drones and missiles are launched that kill Ukrainians. They ignore the attitude of the League, the Greens and the Italian Left and the Five Stars who voted against any support for Ukraine, confirming once again their closeness to Putin's Russia. But it is the line of Brothers of Italy (the party of the prime minister Giorgia Meloni who never misses an opportunity to hug the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky), that of Forza Italy and that of Pd which is surprising and marks the triumph of ambiguity. FdI, Forza Italia and Pd voted for the resolution of general support for Ukraine but not the green light for the use of Western weapons by Kiev on Russian soil, except for four courageous parliamentarians, two from FI and two from the Pd. But then what does the support for Ukraine consist of? As we have written on other occasions, the ambiguity of Meloni, Tajani and Schlein on Ukraine is not so much the fruit of the uncritical pacifism of the Catholic Church but the poisoned fruit of pro-Russian populism di Alloy e Five stars which besieges Meloni and Fratelli d'Italia and conditions FI on one side and Schlein and Pd on the other. FdI, Forza Italia and Pd try to keep their feet in both camps to avoid enemies now on the right and now on the left but they do not realize that, by moving away from the orientations of the European Union and the USA, it is Italy as a whole that pays the price, whose credibility is losing pieces more and more every day.
Ukraine, the national unity of the ambiguity on Kiev sinks the credibility of Italy
The No to the use of Western weapons by Ukraine on Russian soil expressed in the European Parliament by Fratelli d'Italia, Forza Italia and Pd does nothing but further damage Italy's international reputation