
EU: unanimous yes to military aid to France

Hollande's request to activate the collective defense clause received the unanimous approval of the EU countries – French President Hollande: “We are at war and we are asking the EU for help”.

EU: unanimous yes to military aid to France

“France has asked for help and theEurope united answers yes”. This was stated by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, announcing that the EU countries have unanimously approved the request for activation of the collective defense clause envisaged by article 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty advanced yesterday by Francois Hollande.

The article provides that "when a State is attacked, all Member States must show their solidarity in the face of aggression". Solidarity that translates into greater military involvement by other states: "We are at war – French President François Hollande said yesterday in front of his own Parliament -, we are asking for help from the EU”.

The position taken by the European Union comes after the call for moderation by Matteo Renzi, who in the morning had said he "didn't want war".
