
EU, Schaeuble: troika checks also in Spain, but only for the banking sector

Just like Greece and all the other countries that have asked for and received aid from the European Union, Spain too will have to submit to the controls of the "troika": the finance minister of Germany, Wolfgang Schaeuble, stated clearly, however, specifying that controls will be limited to banks and the financial sector.

EU, Schaeuble: troika checks also in Spain, but only for the banking sector

Just like Greece and all the other countries that have asked for and received aid from the European Union, Spain will also have to submit to the controls of the troika. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said it clearly. Except that, Schaeuble pointed out in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio, these controls will be limited to his financial sector.

The German minister's interview partly displaced the Spanish press and public opinion, which in the last few hours had received reassurances from the government. In particular the Spanish budget minister, Cristobal Montoro, had argued that the "men in black" of the troika would not arrive in SpainEl Mundo reports, referring to the technicians of the European Commission, the ECB and the International Monetary Fund who are responsible for carrying out control inspections in the countries that have received aid: Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

Instead, already over the weekend, the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Olli Rehn had warned that there would be controls in Spain. And Schaeuble increased the dose by stating it even more explicitly: “There will be a troika as has happened in other cases. In this way – she said – the program you run will be monitored ”, given that this monitoring in Spain will be limited to the management of the banking sector, whereas in the countries that have been 'rescued' it concerns all economic policy and reforms.
