
EU: more flexible accounts for investments

"In the event that the 3% limit is not respected, the Commission will not launch an excessive deficit procedure, if it is due to the contribution to the EU fund for strategic investments and if the deviation is limited and temporary": so reads the press release of Brussels.

EU: more flexible accounts for investments

Green light from the European Commission for exceeding the 3% limit on the GDP deficit, and the limits on public debt, provided that they are "limited and temporary" and only if deriving from national contributions to the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), envisaged in the plan investment boost wanted by President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Claiming to honor its previous commitments, the Commission "establishes that they will not be included in the evaluation of the accounts, both in the case of corrective procedure and in the preventive mechanism", reads a statement from the Community executive. "In the event that the 3 percent limit is not respected, the Commission will not launch an excessive deficit procedure, if it is due to the contribution (to the EU fund) and if the deviation is limited and temporary".
