
Ubs: this is what the work of the future will look like

In the coming decades, 47% of current professions, almost one in two, will disappear due to technology. 75% of workers will no longer have a traditional office, while remote working will become more widespread than ever - Here's how workers and companies will have to prepare for the changes

Ubs: this is what the work of the future will look like

In the coming decades, 47% of current professions, almost one in two, will disappear due to technology. 75% of workers will no longer have a traditional office, while smart working will become more widespread than ever.

Those just described are just some of the forecasts listed in the UBS report "The future of Forcework" which investigates the link between millennials, innovation and work. The spread of the internet, artificial intelligence and the new demands of workers and employers are some of the key factors destined to radically change the world of work in this historical period.

This is also demonstrated by the constant increase in the number of freelancers throughout Europe, which grew by 2004% between 2013 and 45.

UBS's analysis also identifies some fundamental elements that the workforce of the future will have to take into consideration in trying to find the best job at the best conditions.

The first keyword is "flexibility". The working world of the future will in fact be increasingly flexible. The workers will prefer an effective presence to a constant presence and will link idealism and pragmatism.

However, the new rules will not only apply to workers, but also to companies which will have to focus on some basic characteristics, such as gender diversity, awareness of everyone's needs (based on age and family situation), the need to mix different contractual solutions and ensure a fair balance between work and private life. Not only that: they will have to make the workplace pleasant and functional in order to promote productivity and at the same time reduce absenteeism.

Finally, we will have to pay close attention to the moral and social dimension for millennials, taking a look at the data. To date, 65% of people want to work for companies or organizations with a social purpose. 83% of MBA students would accept a lower salary to work for a company that is committed to society and the environment. 89% of employees in socially oriented companies show greater satisfaction.

All aspects to take into consideration. Jurg Zeltner, President Wealth Management at UBS, said: “The workforce is becoming more complex. The relationship between resources and employers will change significantly in the coming years, especially among workers who are just starting out in their careers today. It is important to be ready for these changes. Companies that continue to maintain the same approach to their employees will find themselves at a significant competitive disadvantage within ten years.”

Attachments: Ubs:
