
Twitter, after the hashtag… the cashtag

It is the latest gimmick of the microblogging site with half a billion users worldwide: the "$" (key 4 + capital letter) placed before the initials of the shares of companies listed on the American Stock Exchange, is used to review them in real time the trend.

Twitter, after the hashtag… the cashtag

After the hashtag, the cashtag. It's the latest Twitter gimmick: after the hash sign which, placed in front of keywords to index them among your favourites, has become the hallmark of the microblogging site with half a billion users worldwide, now the dollar sign appears to follow all the news from Wall Street. The "$" (key 4 + capital letter) in fact, placed before the initials of the shares of companies listed on the American Stock Exchange, is used precisely to review their performance in real time.

So for example, by typing $GE you can follow the financial information of General Electrics, or with $GOOG those of Google or with $AAPL those of Apple. However, the stunt was not spared from controversy, due to alleged plagiarism. The Stocktwits site, a microblogging dedicated to investments and savings, in fact claims to have already launched the same formula in 2008 and it seems that it had also proposed it to Twitter: "They have appropriated our language - said the CEO of Stocktwits angrily, Howard Lindzon -, the great thing is that we had even proposed it to them, but they had replied to us with a very detailed email that they weren't interested".
