
Twitter, 15 years ago the first "chirping"

The first tweet was launched on March 21, 2016 by founder Jack Dorsey. The first name given to the social was twttr, because at the time it sounded like Flickr which was already fashionable.

Twitter, 15 years ago the first "chirping"

Founded exactly 15 years ago, the March 21 2006, by Jack Dorsey (who in the meantime has accumulated assets of 14 billion dollars and has become CEO of Square, the fintech of smartphone payments), Evan Williams, Biz Stone, Noah Glass. Let's talk about Twitter, the social network of "chirps", whose final version was then released to the public a few months later, on July 15, 2006. However, the very first tweet was exactly three decades ago, i.e. the 140-character message (which later became 280) that characterize this social channel compared to others: Dorsey at 21.50 wrote «just setting up my twttr». The first name of the project was in fact twttr, a name inspired by the then already successful Flickr and the 5-character length of short numbers for sending SMS in the USA.

Dorsey later explained the origin of the name Twitter, occurred while searching a dictionary for a word that could fit: “… we came across the word “twitter,” and it was just perfect. The definition was “a short burst of inconsequential information,” and “chirps from birds.” And that's exactly what the product was”. Speaking of bird, the silhouette of a blue bird is the symbol of Twitter, which makes it recognizable all over the world. Unlike Facebook or other social networks, there is no such thing as chatting or sending file attachments on Twitter, and it is not allowed to send messages to people who are not followers. Messages can only be received if the recipient is a follower of the sender; instead, to send a direct message it is sufficient to have the recipient as a follower.

The Italian language version has existed since December 2009. Today Twitter, which at the end of the 2010s had begun to grow exponentially (the historic milestone of the first tweet sent from space by a NASA astronaut aboard the International Space Station was precisely XNUMX), has slowed down its racing, but it is estimated to have more than 300 millions of users that generate 65 million tweets per day and handle more than 800.000 daily search requests. . It was the most loved and used social network by former American president Donald Trump, ending up several times in the crosshairs on the issue of freedom of expression, given the unscrupulous use made of it by the White House. After the events of Capitol Hill, Twitter has come to ban an indefinite account for the first time: that of Trump.

Twitter is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange, since November 2013, and today has a market capitalization of approximately $53 billion.
