
Tourism what future? From overtourism to lockdown

Tourism what future? From overtourism to lockdown

How has the lockdown changed and will it change tourism globally? With what consequences for our country? How are the operators and bodies involved in tourism development organizing themselves? 

These are some of the questions that will be addressed in the event that will take place online on Saturday 25 April, 11-12.15, by Title "From overtourism to lockdown: how to deal with the tourism to come". 

Promoted by Italy Post e Starting4 the meeting will be introduced by Claudio DeMonte Nuto, tourism marketing expert, president of the Starting 4 Consortium and Openmind Travel, and will see speeches by Silvia Borsotti, co-founder, president and general manager Meet Hostel, Enrico Caracciolo,Director of Itineraries and Places, Giancarlo Carniani, hotelier and Italian analyst PhoCusWright, Richard Dalla Torre, director of the Think Tank Northeast Foundation, Martha Friel, Professor of Tourism Management at IULM University, Lucio Gomiero, managing director of the FVG PromoTurismo Group, Ida Poletto, president Abano Ritz Spa Hotel Italy, Stefano Ravelli, director of the Valsugana Tourist Board, Patrick Romano, general manager Bologna Welcome, e Christine Rore, hotelier, vice-president of the Saint Vincent Tourist Consortium. To lead the meeting will be Philibert Zovico, Italy Post founder. 

To follow the meeting it will be sufficient to register clicking here

On the cover: work by Alighieri Boetti (map 1970-1973).
