
Tourism in Rome, from deep crisis to recovery: the scenarios of Intesa Sanpaolo

Tourism in Rome and Lazio in sharp decline in 2020. According to a study by Intesa Sanpaolo, however, there are signs of improvement in the tourism chain. Three possible scenarios.

Tourism in Rome, from deep crisis to recovery: the scenarios of Intesa Sanpaolo

Il in Rome and Lazio it is intended for recovery, you just have to figure out how soon things will settle down. This is what emerges from webinar organized by Intesa Sanpaolo and Srm where they were presented three scenarios which differ according to the speed of the shooting. The study varies based on more or less optimistic data. The end result shows encouraging signs of growth even in the worst of possible outcomes.

2020 recorded a drop in presences in Rome and Lazio of 74% and 72% and only domestic tourism made it possible not to make these data worse (45% less than foreign presences -88%). It is estimated that the crisis has cut more than 70% of the value of tourist spending recorded in 2019 and 75% of business turnover, negatively impacting the GDP of -1,97% (Italy -1,48%).

The scenarios calculate that the growth in tourist demand in Rome it will fluctuate between values ​​between 12,8, 20,3 and 23,1 million presences. The driving force behind these data will still be domestic tourism compared to international tourism. Depending on the scenario, between 451,5 million, 1.300 million and 1.624 million euros will be recovered which, as Intesa Sanpaolo points out, is only a partial recovery compared to what was lost in 2020. The forecast data for Lazio do not differ much, with attendances ranging between 15,3, 23,5 and 27,2 million and an expected turnover between 5.140 million and 9.544 million euros.

To overcome the critical issues that businesses have experienced in this period, Intesa Sanpaolo has set up a plafond of 2 billion euros to support the tourism industry.

The recovery of the tourism sector, albeit slowly, seems certain. Now we just need to see how fast it will be to give a breather to a sector severely affected by the pandemic.
