
Climate, Trump: USA out of Paris agreement

There is still no official confirmation of the decision but it seems that the US administration has a serious intention of exiting Cop21 or at least of reducing the agreement.

Donald Trump allegedly decided to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. This was reported by the US website Axios citing "two sources close to the administration". There is no official confirmation of the decision yet.

A small team of experts, including Environmental Defense Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt, is working to finalize details on how the withdrawal from the deal will be executed, Axios writes, according to which in particular, it must be established whether to initiate a complete formal withdrawal - which could take up to three years - or an exit from the United Nations treaty on climate change, which could be a faster but also more extreme solution. Many American media are relaunching the news, in particular Abc and Cbs, which confirm the rumors with their own sources in the White House.

In this regard, the spokesman for the German government commented that Berlin "unequivocally recognizes itself in the Paris agreement: let's hope that the USA still feels bound by it".
