
Tria tries to stem Di Maio: "We won't blow up the accounts"

Faced with the harsh and detailed criticisms of the Confidustria Study Center of the maneuver, the Economy Minister replies that the government's action is not based on "a very cheerful finance that could blow up the public accounts". Shortly before, Luigi Di Maio had said that 2,4% is confirmed for 2019, then we'll see

Tria tries to stem Di Maio: "We won't blow up the accounts"

Morning of stop and go statements on the maneuver. Economy Minister Giovanni Tria intervenes from Confindustria, where he is a guest for the presentation of the report by the Centro STI which has nipped the government's budget lines. And he tries to reassure, after the statements that the M5S deputy prime minister had made shortly before. The theme is always about the overrun of the deficit/GDP of 2,4% and the possible about-face that Brussels is asking to contain the impact on the markets and on the euro. An about-face that the government seems in part to want to do. Or maybe not. With consequent ups and downs of the stock market and spreads.


We need, says Tria, an “economic policy strategy aimed at achieving more sustained growth and reducing the growth gap that Italy has had with the rest of Europe in the last decade. We need vigorous growth, and at the same time greater resilience”. The Economy Minister stresses that "a stimulus to endogenous growth is needed, with a profound change in economic and budgetary strategies" compared to the past. A "relaunch of investments is a crucial component", says a guest of Confindustria.

The government's economic policy "strategy" sets "the objective of eliminating the growth gap with respect to Europe within two years and at the same time ensuring a constant reduction in the debt-to-GDP ratio", explains Tria. "Starting next year, we will ensure an acceleration of debt reduction compared to the past", guarantees the Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria speaking to the audience of the conference of the Confindustria study centre. For the Government, he says, the reduction of the public debt is of "fundamental importance", a problem that "must be addressed, regardless of the constraints, to free up budget space" also for tax reforms.
In 2019 there will be "a deviation from the objectives agreed with the European Commission by the previous government", but "there will then be a gradual reduction of the deficit in the following years", Tria assures.
The Minister of Economy guarantees that the Government's action is certainly not marked by a "very happy finance" that could "blow up the public accounts to make room for promises". So how to keep the commitments of the government contract? With “strong gradual. The promises will go over the course of the legislature, ”he says. But with what concrete possibility of achieving the objectives?


Early in the morning, after Tuesday's confrontation with the European Commission, the M5S Deputy Prime Minister explains that“the figure of 2,4% is confirmed in 2019: as far as 2020 and 2021 are concerned, we are thinking about debt reduction and GDP growth with massive cuts in waste”. Then he turns to Confindustria: "Let's not go back". The other Deputy Prime Minister Salvini also confirms that it is a courageous maneuver to keep the sacred commitments made with the Italians: “I don't care about the threats from Europe, in future years we aim for deficits and debt to fall", reiterated the interior minister, who then went back to attacking the outgoing president of the EU commission Juncker.

The stock market goes up, then down, then back up in search of answers it can't find.
