Nasty surprise for Italian commuters. From today, 17 January, the new high-speed season tickets are on sale and, by consulting the price list, you will discover increases of up to 35%.
Starting from February, travelers using the Frecciarossa will have four types of season tickets available:
– Av pass valid every day at all hours;
– Av pass valid every day of the week in the time slot 9-17;
– Av pass valid from Monday to Friday in all time slots;
– Av pass valid from Monday to Friday in the time slot 9-17;
However, it is the prices that irritate commuters and consumer associations. The most striking example may be the monthly pass for the Turin – Milan route which until yesterday cost 340 euros. “In June 2015 – underlines Federconsumatori – season tickets for the Turin-Milan had already gone from 295 to 340 euros. Now that same second-class pass valid for every day goes to 459 euros, 119 euros and 35% more. In the case of subscription for each hour from Monday to Friday, the amount stops at 408 euros, 68 euros (and 20%) more. In order to save money, you need to get a season ticket for the 9-17 time slot, the one that excludes the commuter rush hour: 323 euros for the whole week and 289 euros from Monday to Friday”.
Similar increases are also recorded on the Milano Bologna (from 417 for the standard class to 500 euros from Monday to Friday and 563 euros for the whole week). Costs for the Bologna-Florence line rose from 224 euros to 302 euros (+34,8%) for the whole week and 269 from Monday to Friday, while on the Rome-Naples line prices went from 356 to 481 euros until on Sunday and 427 euros until Friday.
Trenitalia replies as follows: "We have maintained what we had anticipated in all locations by confirming season tickets - said CEO Barbara Morgante - however, we have differentiated them into four types also to meet the different needs of those who use them and other non-subscribers ”.