
Trains: Italo launches New Year's discounts

Italo offers a 50% discount on return journeys between January 11 and March 21 – To take advantage of this discount, tickets must be purchased between today, December 30, and 13 pm on January 4

Trains: Italo launches New Year's discounts

Another new opportunity to travel by train in Italy at affordable prices. In fact, from today, December 30 to January 4, there will be a promotion by Italo which offers its customers the possibility of making a round trip paying half price.

The 50% discount on round-trip tickets to any destination on the network is valid for journeys that will be made between 11 January and 21 March 2016, on a low-cost offer in the Smart and eXtra Large environments.

Tickets can be purchased through Italo's usual sales channels. The offer is valid only for round-trip purchases made by 13 pm on 4 January.
