To the decision of Matteo Salvini to precept the transport strike, the grassroots unions respond with a challenge: lo strike is postponed to 15th December and it will be 24 hours. This was announced by the USB (Basic Trade Union Union), reiterating the united "no" of the acronyms to the injunction desired by Salvini with the reduction of the protest, which was scheduled for Monday 27 November, to 4 hours from the announced midnight.
Unions: injunction that was anything but unexpected, ridiculous motivations
The unions explain that "the precept by the Minister of Transport Salvini of the 24-hour national TPL strike, regularly called by the acronyms of the basic unions, highly representative in the sector, is anything but unexpected". “This, however, does not take away the gravity of what was decided by Salvini, interpreter as master of the ironworks of article 8 of L.146/90”, explain in a note Adl Cobas – Cobas Lavoro Privato – SGB –CUB Trasporti – Usb Private Work referring to injunction.
Prescribing is a power of the Minister that the law provides only for exceptional situations, say the unions, but the motivations cited by Salvini to justify the planned intervention to reduce work abstention, are instead ridiculous and they sound like a real one insult to the exercise of a constitutional right. “It should be underlined that this strike was called more than a month ago, even before that of Cigl and Uil, in full compliance with the most restrictive rules in Europe for carrying out a strike. Significant in this regard is the fact that the Guarantee Commission did not make the slightest comment on the proclamation of the TPL strike on 27 November 2023" we read again in the note from the independent unions.
The problem has become political
“It is now clear that the problem has become political: accepting the reduction imposed in the ordinance would, in our opinion, be like making a Minister consider the right to strike as his own concession to the unions, so much so that the duration of 24 hours. For this reason, the undersigned Trade Union Organizations have jointly decided to refuse the reduction and to move the 24-hour national strike of all local public transport until next December 15th, challenging Minister Salvini on the ground of constitutional rights, as well as on the merits of the questions posed by the workers' requests, ignored by the employer counterparts and by the head of the transport department" reads the note from ADL Cobas - Cobas Lavoro Privato - SGB - CUB Trasporti – USB Private Work.
Salvini: “Common sense has prevailed”
Salvini expresses "great satisfaction" for the postponement of the November 27 strike announced by some of the promoters. This is what we read in a note from the MIT. “Common sense prevailed and I am satisfied to have protected millions of citizens who must see their possibility of movement guaranteed, without canceling the sacrosanct right to strike”. In this sense, also in light of what emerged from the discussion table organized yesterday at the MIT with the acronyms that proclaimed the agitation, Salvini hopes that "the next weeks can serve to promote peace discussion panel between companies and workers' representatives”.