Buses, trams and subways at risk: to guarantee the economic and financial balance of the companies in the Local public transport at least 1,2 billion are needed for the period 2021/first quarter 2022, companies whose revenues were hit hard first by the stop due to Covid and subsequently by the high fuel price. This is the appeal of the TPL trade associations Asstra, Anav e agencies.
“The local public transport sector risks finding itself on its knees – declare the associations -. It is therefore essential that the government to be formed intervene as soon as possible to release the payment of contributions for lost revenues, allocated and still not paid, to ensure adequate compensation for businesses, bent first by the pandemic and now from the price increase energy costs, fuel and raw materials, totaling over 300 million for the current year alone. This delay has a heavy impact on the liquidity management of companies which are at serious risk of no longer being able to guarantee their services to citizens".
This situation, the trade associations continue, has created a sharp contraction in the demand for mobility and the relative revenues such as to compromise the economic-financial balance of the service contracts. The additional requirement to ensure the balance for 2021 is equal to at least 900 million euros, to which must be added the losses incurred in the first quarter of 2022 equal to 300 million. In all, precisely, 1,2 billion.
Asstra, Anav and Agens also point out that, pending the inauguration of the new executive, "the absence of adequate measures of refreshment would have inevitable repercussions also on the industrial relations of the sector since the agreement of renewal of the national collective bargaining agreement for rail and tram drivers of 10 May 2022 conditions the payment of the second tranche of the one-off payment to the payment of refreshments for the lost revenues for the period January 2021-March 2022".