
Transparency: corruption, Italy worst in Europe

The ranking of corruption compiled by Transparency shows that Italy is last among the G7 countries, last among the members of the EU, last among the European nations that make up the G20: and the score has not changed for three years, while Greece and Bulgaria…

Transparency: corruption, Italy worst in Europe

The corruption ranking drawn up by Transparency once again rewards a Nordic country: it is the Denmark the least corrupt country in the world, i.e. second the latest edition of the Index of Corruption perceived for 2014, a real realm of transparency. In reverse North Korea and Somalia are the countries at the bottom of the international ranking: 174th and 175th position. In between, theItaly, which once again does not come out well: 69th and worst in Europe together with Greece, Romania and Bulgaria. 

The ranking, accompanied by the map, comes from the assessments of international observers. And he says that Italy is last among the G7 countries, last among the members of the EU, last among the European nations that make up the G20. Our country has been stable in the rankings for 3 years: Greece and Bulgaria are also in 69th position, but they have improved their position.
