
Transparency, Assonime: overcoming the quarterly reports

Assonime responds to the Ministry of Economy on the transposition of the European directive on Transparency. The Association of joint-stock companies listed on the Stock Exchange says yes to the abolition of the obligation to publish quarterly reports.

Transparency, Assonime: overcoming the quarterly reports

Assonime replies to the MEF on the transposition of the European directive on Transparency concerning the changes to the transparency obligations of listed companies.

The Association of Listed Share Companies announces that it has supported the opportunity to limit the possibility of requesting additional periodic information from issuers. In fact, the directive providesi the abolition of the obligation to publish quarterly reports and the possibility for Member States to request additional periodic information under certain conditions. In this matter, Consob will maintain a general regulatory power attributed to it by the enabling law and by the consultation document.

The directive also provides for the raising of the minimum threshold for the communication of significant shareholdings from 2 to 3%, a proposal that has garnered the favor of Assonime, as stated by the entity itself.

As regards the other issues related to the transposition of the directive, such as the sanction regime, severe and extended also to the staff of the broadcaster, the Association has suggested a reflection on the entity of the sanctions applicable to the staff. 
