
Scientific translations: Eurotrad's services for specialized articles

Translating articles or scientific texts is a complex activity that requires highly specialized skills – this is how a specialized agency like Eurotrad works

Scientific translations: Eurotrad's services for specialized articles

Le translations of articles or scientific texts they are a complex activity that requires highly specialized skills. A text of a technical nature, in fact, is characterized by the use of precise terminology and by a different approach from one of a popular or literary type. For this reason it is necessary to rely only on mother tongue translators with solid scientific training.

The person who will have to deal with the translation, in fact, in addition to having to master both the source language and the one from translate, he must also have knowledge of the subject to be treated as it will be up to him to render the text under examination in a completely faithful way in another language.

Therefore, if you need to translate such complex content, it is advisable to rely on specialized agencies such as EUROTRAD, that offers scientific translations of specialist articles in many sectors, making use of professionals with long experience.

The company, founded in 1995, thanks to a quality service, has managed to establish itself over the years as one of the most valid points of reference for all those companies that need to open up to an international market.
Eurotrad offers various types of linguistic translation, from the sworn one to the transcription and dubbing of video content, aware of the fact that this type of service is now necessary in many professional sectors.

The scientific translation service signed by Eurotrad

As regards specifically the scientific panorama, Eurotrad provides a vast network of mother tongue translators focused precisely on the scientific and medical sector.

The agency provides its services both to companies, for example companies manufacturing sanitary appliances or pharmaceutical companies, and to private individuals or ai institutional entities. Among these there are also hospitals, health institutes, publishers of scientific publications and researchers.

To ensure high quality standards, Eurotrad makes use of native-speaking professionals, with whom it collaborates in order to offer the customer a service that is always tailored to their needs. Among the various types of texts on which the agency usually works there are: scientific articles e abstract, medical records, package leaflets accompanying drugs, medical reports, catalogs and instruction manuals for healthcare equipment or electro-medical devices, reports or research of a scientific nature and university theses for obtaining a degree in faculties such as Medicine, Biology, Physics , Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The importance of relying on a professional translation for texts of this nature lies not only in the rendering of the meaning of the content, but also in having the certainty that correct use is made of the reference terminology: adopting the most suitable and updated nomenclature, in fact, really makes the difference and ensures the customer the achievement of a perfect result.

Furthermore, once the translation work has been completed, Eurotrad provides a translation service proofreading extremely important in order to avoid typos which, in a scientific publication, can lead to the disclosure of inaccurate data or incorrect information.

Next, you can also take advantage of a convenience graphic support who supervises the page layout activity. If there should be a need, then, the Eurotrad team can also draw up some customized multilingual glossaries that meet specific customer needs. To get a more comprehensive overview of the various services, just fill in the form on the agency's website indicating your needs.
