
Total sells assets in the North Sea, collects 800 million and goes public

The operation is part of “Total's dynamic portfolio management strategy”, explained the group's financial director, Patrick de la Chevardire – The stock gains more than 4% on the Paris Stock Exchange.

Total sells assets in the North Sea, collects 800 million and goes public

French oil company Total today announced that it has reached a agreement with North Sea Midstream Partners to sell the gas transportation business in the North Sea for a total value of 585 million pounds, equal to 798 million euros. In detail, 100% of the Fuka pipeline, the Saint-Fergus terminal and the 67% held in the Sirge gas transport system will be sold.

The operation is part of "Total's dynamic portfolio management strategy", explained the group's financial director, Patrick de la Chevardire. The news did not fail to excite the markets: at the beginning of the afternoon, on a particularly positive day for the French stock market index (the CAC 40 gains over 3%), among the titles in greater evidence there is precisely that of Total, which earns more than 4% going to approach 40 euros per share, a 39.27 euros when it is 14,30 pm.
