
Total-Erg: Gdf in office, hypothesis of false invoices

The Guardia di Finanza is searching the offices of Total-Erg as part of an investigation into alleged tax fraud - At the center of the investigation are invoices for 904 million issued by a company based in Bermuda.

Total-Erg: Gdf in office, hypothesis of false invoices

The Fiamme Gialle are currently carrying out a series of searches in the offices of Total-Erg stationed in Rome, Milan and Genoa. The investigations conducted by the Guardia di Finanza would be linked to an alleged fraud on invoices issued by a company based in Bermuda, somehow connected to Total. According to < the investigators - in the Capital it is the prosecutors Paolo Ielo and Mario Palazzi - the invoices in question, for an amount of 904 million, would be false.

The company under investigation has not released any statement on the matter at the moment. 
