
Today celebration day of the international year of Cooperatives, Napolitano and Fornero were present

On this day "for Cooperatives" there was talk of enhancing the economic and social role that this type of enterprise plays in all countries of the world, contributing to the growth and development of employment. Present today were the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Elsa Fornero.

Today celebration day of the international year of Cooperatives, Napolitano and Fornero were present

July 5, 2012 is an important day for cooperatives. Today, in fact, the Censis report was published on the celebration day of the international year of cooperatives organized by the UN.

It is a 5-page document where, like all censuses, various data are listed, such as employment: during these four years of the crisis (2007-2011) it increased by 8%, with a total of 1 million and 382 thousand people who work in cooperatives (almost 80 companies throughout Italy). Employment in the world of cooperatives is 7,4% of the national one.

The Cooperative Italy Alliance represents around 90% of cooperatives throughout Italy. According to this report provided by Censis it is really important for these cooperatives to try to maintain a relationship of trust between customers and cooperatives.

Furthermore, 40% of Italian cooperatives say they are in a moment of stationality, while 17,7% are in great difficulty, and only 17,4% are growing.
