The Arma dei Carabinieri and Philip Morris Italia have signed a memorandum of understanding, lasting two years, for the promotion of information activities in favor of the tobacco supply chain. The agreement provides for the participation of Arma operators in information events organized by the multinational in favor of tobacconists' managers, to understand the risks of predatory crime, thefts and robberies, but also to raise retail operators' awareness of phenomena such as extortion and usury.
"Know the risks to which you are exposed - underlined the Head of the II Department of the General Command Gen. B. Joseph DeRiggi – makes you safer. This is essentially the aim we are pursuing through the agreement: to convey a message of security and trust. If this information then passes through direct contact with the Carabinieri who operate in the area, the perception of safety makes an important qualitative leap".
“Today is a fundamental day in which we reaffirm the centrality of the virtuous collaboration between the public and private sectors which support each other, united in the same double objective – words of Marco Hannappel, CEO and president of Philip Morris Italia, who added: on the one hand that of affirming and defending the culture of legality, of respect for the rules; on the other, to promote every form of fight against crime and predatory phenomena”.