
Tlc: stop to Teliasonera-Telenor merger, Telecom share falls

The merger between the two Danish companies was blocked by requests, deemed excessive by analysts, from the European Commission – The news weighs on Telecom stock, already weighed down by fears about the Brazilian economy.

Tlc: stop to Teliasonera-Telenor merger, Telecom share falls

Skip merging between Teliasonera e Telenor. The two Danish telecommunications companies have decided to take a step back on the integration project, due to the requests, deemed too severe, by the European Antitrust. The two companies will therefore continue to compete on the Danish market.

The requests made by the Commission were described as "unacceptable" by analysts Merrill Lynch, while, according to the analysts of Pohjola Bank, the concrete risk is that this situation represents "an obstacle for the entire European telecommunications sector", with the concrete possibility of "delaying other merger processes".

The news of the no merger weighs on European telecommunications companies, including also Telecom, which in the middle of the morning yields more than 2% in Piazza Affari, signaling itself as the black shirt of the Italian list, which in the same minutes travels in negative territory. Concerns about the Brazilian economy also weigh on the shares of the Italian company, after the cut of the S&P rating on the sovereign debt of the South American country.
