
TimMusic launches the challenge to Spotify: new app and quality editorial content

The company launches a new App and entrusts the editorial artistic direction to Dj Alessio Bertallot. The aim is to "give value to fixed and mobile network infrastructures, offering high-quality entertainment".

TimMusic launches the challenge to Spotify: new app and quality editorial content

What the current trend of the international record market is is now clear to everyone: music today is listened to in streaming (You Tube docet). In Italy this sector represents 22% of the total market, with a growth of more than 80% compared to 2014, percentages that would make the most important gurus of world finance pale. 

From the now famous Spotify to the newborn Apple Music, passing through Deezer and Google Play Music, music streaming services are increasing day by day, proving once again what will be the main way of listening in the coming years.

Streaming and mobile have also become the two keywords in Italy, where 70% of the so-called millennials, ie young people aged between 11 and 19, use the mobile phone as their favorite device for listening to music and 1 out of 2 uses streaming services.

 At this point the real challenge is no longer played on the catalog or on the price (mostly similar for the main operators in the sector), but on the contents and the way they are treated, on the most attractive features and functions. And that's exactly what he's going to focus on Tim Music, a streaming music platform that Tim created for his Premium customers.  

The first Italian streaming player, in 2014 it reached over 2 million users, around 10% of the value of the overall music market. In the first quarter of 2015 streaming has already grown by 60% compared to the previous year, numbers that reward not only the huge catalog that can count on over 20 million songs, exclusive previews and special events, but above all the choice to include the service for offers on the move, i.e. giving customers the opportunity to listen to music in stream without consuming GB, without time limits and advertising. 

For the future, however, Tim Music has decided to focus on content, entrusting the editorial artistic direction to the DJ Alessio Bertallot with the aim of integrating a human element into the technological platform that guides users and allows them to have a more complete and fulfilling experience. "The vision is to bring not only music to TIMmusic - explains the artistic director - but also musicians, DJs, experts, not only technology, but also the humanistic culture of popularizing music."

It will be available in the next few days a new version of the TimMusic App, implemented with a series of additional services. FIRSTonline had the opportunity to preview the new design, but also the sections divided by musical genre, each of which will be curated by the Bertallot team who will take care of selecting the playlists, embellishing them with vocal interventions that users can choose to listen to or not. In short, it will not be the algorithms that will take care of the users, but the people who will create a sort of hybrid between a radio show and a streaming platform. We remind you that the service is currently only available to Tim customers, at a cost of 4 euros per month.
