
Tim, single network: it accelerates but the Antitrust unknown remains

Tim is preparing for the board meeting on August 31 in which to launch Fibercop, the new network company open to the CDP and new private partners: today Tiscali formalized its entry – It is the first step in attempting a merger with Open Fiber but on the whole The decision of the Antitrust will remain decisive for the operation – Meanwhile, the Stock Exchange is celebrating

Tim, single network: it accelerates but the Antitrust unknown remains

It will suffice to Tim give up the majority of the board of directors of the new fiber network company, while maintaining the majority of the property, to take home the green light to his project to speed up broadband? This is the question that reigns over the progress that is being made in these hours in Tim, in Cdp and in the Mef in view of the August 31 board meeting of the largest Italian telephone company, with an eye to theAntitrust both Italian and European, on which the success or otherwise of the whole operation largely depends.

Tim's board of directors should approve on August 31st fibercop, the new company to initially bring its copper network and transfer a share to the American fund KKR, but above all open the doors to Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and to private partners such as Fastweb e Tiscali, which just today formalized its entry into Fibercop to the delight of the Stock Exchange. Yesterday the CEO of Cdp, Fabrizio Palermo, illustrated the project that sees the Cassa among the protagonists to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and to the ministers concerned who should endorse the operation in an official letter before the Tim board meeting on the 31st. It is an important step , but it is only the first, both because the shareholdings of the various public and private partners in Fibercop remain to be defined, and the new governance rules. But it is only the first step above all because then the real leap in quality will be played on feasibility or otherwise of the merger between Open Fiber (owned by Enel and CDP with 50% shares each) and the rest of the Tim network. The CEO of Tim, Luigi Gubitosi, and that of Cdp, Palermo, will talk about this in the next few hours.

The goal is big is to attempt to give life to a single network that puts an end to the competition between the Tim and Open Fiber networks and that, despite having Tim in the majority in the capital, be it actually functionally neutral and gives guarantees of independence to all operators who want to join the new company. But the devil is hiding in the details and it is precisely on this, if the wedding between Tim and Open Fiber takes place with Cdp as a great protagonist, that it will extend its spotlights the Antitrustboth national and European. It is no coincidence that the Cdp has linked its adhesion to the project to the approval of all the supervisory bodies, which start from Agcom and the Italian Antitrust and arrive above all to the European Antitrust of the formidable commissioner Vestager, who already three years ago forced Wind and Tre, who wanted to merge, to sell frequencies to make room for Iliad in Italy as well.

In short, the game is more open than ever, but at least something is moving and the Stock Exchange, which yesterday sent the title into orbit Tim, celebrate.
