
Tim focuses on the conscious use of the network and social media

In the "Month for online safety" promoted by the Ministry of Education, new initiatives by Tim are starting to raise awareness of the conscious use of the internet, given that with the pandemic, online time has increased exponentially and with it the related risks. Live events of Operation Digital Risorgimento

Tim focuses on the conscious use of the network and social media

With the pandemic and the restrictive measures, the time spent online by minors has increased, and with it the relative dangers coming above all from social networks. Precisely on the occasion of "Safer Internet Day", the international day for the safe use of the Internet, Digital Risorgimento Operation proposes a live event dedicated to parents and educators on the conscious use of the network in the family.

During "Internet Safety Month“, promoted by the Ministry of Education, numerous meetings, webinars and training activities will start as well as appointments, in collaboration with Consumer Associations, to spread the opportunities of digital tools and online security.

It starts on Tuesday 9 February with “Parents on the net, advice for social children” the training talk show scheduled live at 18 pm on and on the YouTube channel of the TIM Group: Riccardo Luna will lead us to discover everything there is to know to accompany younger people on the net.

Parents, teachers and educators will be able to ask questions to the experts by sending a text or voice message to 337 1444410 throughout the day. Important exponents of Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Samsung Electronics Italia, TikTok and Fondazione Mondo Digitale they will concretely explain how to use smartphones, applications and services in safety.

In addition, institutional representatives such as Nunzia Ciardi, Director of the Postal and Communications Police Service and Guido Scorza, Member of the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data and qualified experts will intervene.

The following will also take part in the event: Ernesto Belisario (lawyer and expert in technology law), Gigi De Palo (National President of the Forum of Family Associations), Maura Manca (psychologist and psychotherapist of developmental and juvenile age), Rosy Russo (Founder and President Parole O_Stili), Simone Cosimi (journalist and essayist) as well as the testimony of Elena Hazinah, the young TikToker with millions of followers.

From the contributions of the talk show, short lessons and testimonials will be created which will be available on the TIM Group's YouTube channel with the aim of promoting an awareness campaign on the subject.

Furthermore, as part of the initiatives envisaged during the “Month for Network Security", promoted by the Ministry of Education and by Generazioni Connesse, Operation Risorgimento Digitale with Telefono Azzurro places the conscious use of the Internet and social networks at the center of training activities.

In particular, for the program “Internet school for everyone” meetings are scheduled with one-hour modules with in-depth content useful for parents, grandparents and educators to disseminate the principles of positive use of the network.

Thanks to the collaboration of Adiconsum, Adoc, Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, Federconsumatori, Udicon and Altroconsumo, they will restart from February 23 until the end of the year,  free webinars and video pills dedicated to the intelligent and aware use of technology, new digital services and online risk prevention for the whole family.

The new training activities confirm TIM's role in accelerating the diffusion of digital skills in the country, in a historic moment of great transformation in which greater updating capacity is required to fully seize all digital opportunities.
