
Tim-Microsoft: partnership on artificial intelligence

The goal is to promote the digital transformation of Telecom in Italy and Brazil with the use of Data Analytics and Big Data, fostering a new relationship with the customer and allowing for efficiencies in internal processes

Tim-Microsoft: partnership on artificial intelligence

Tim and Microsoft have launched a new partnership to promote the digital transformation of Telecom in Italy and Brazil through the use of artificial intelligence. With the use of Data Analytics and Big Data - reads a note - the collaboration will lead to the development of innovative tools to customize products and services and enrich Tim's offer, favoring a new relationship with the customer and allowing process efficiencies interior.

Several innovations are on the way: from automatic interaction with the customer through the use of chatbots on digital channels for targeted and immediate answers, to the improvement of traditional telephone assistance with cognitive tools and advanced analytics, passing through the optimization of operational processes to improve technical assistance.

“This agreement represents a further step in the DigiTIM strategy, strongly oriented towards the digitization of processes to drastically improve the Digital Experience and Customer Engagement through a complete digital experience – commented Amos Genish, CEO of Tim – Today we confirm once again the our commitment to the implementation of the Business Plan, of which Artificial Intelligence with its tools is a key element”.

“Every day Artificial Intelligence is bringing more and more benefits to organizations around the world – said Jean-Philippe Courtois, executive vice president and president Microsoft Global Sales, Marketing & Operations at Microsoft – We are delighted that Tim has chosen to adopt the Microsoft Artificial Intelligence platform for integration across all business segments. Thanks to the adoption of this platform, Tim will provide personalized digital assistance services through the contact centres, improving mobility and connectivity to meet customer needs".
