
Tim and consumers: collaboration with associations is underway

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Tim and consumers: collaboration with associations is underway

An important cooperation protocol was signed in Rome by the CEO of TIM, Luigi Gubitosi and by the representatives of Adiconsum, Adoc, Cittadinanzattiva APS, Codacons, Federconsumatori and Udicon, aimed at strengthening the relationship of trust with the Consumers' Associations and renew the relationship between TIM and its customers in terms of ever greater transparency, clarity and completeness of information on services offered, commercial news, technological innovations and market developments.

The protocol also provides for the launch of a new channel dedicated to the management of complaints presented through the various member Associations which will allow them, thanks to an automated system, to address the reports they receive to the company.

This channel will make it possible to resolve the various reports received from the Associations more quickly and easily, which will thus assume a more significant role in the management of complaints. The protocol kicks off quarterly discussion tables between TIM and the signatory associations which will discuss with the company in carrying out its activities with a view to greater transparency of the information provided to customers, as well as intervening in the analysis of complaints and conciliations. If necessary, special working groups dedicated to specific issues will also be set up. The activities will make it possible to jointly analyze the cases of recurring reports.

The dialogue between TIM and the Consumer Associations will help the company, thanks to appropriate shared monitoring tools, to better understand the orientation and main needs of consumers. On the occasion of the launch of new commercial services, TIM also undertakes to communicate to the Consumer Associations the plan of communication activities envisaged by the company to ensure the widest transparency and widespread information, through the various methods available such as web, messages on invoice, SMS.

Today's agreement is part of a context in which TIM, through the "Operation Risorgimento Digitale" project, is strongly committed to accelerating the dissemination of digital skills among citizens, businesses and public bodies
administrations. A project that involves over 20 partners of excellence, including public and private entities, trade associations, the third sector and important players in the field of social innovation, and whose aims have also been shared by numerous Consumer Associations. Another area of ​​concrete collaboration with the Associations concerns the sharing of actions to counter "wild telemarketing" and the use of users' personal data by third-party companies. The phenomenon has a strong impact on customers and is a practice that damages the entire sector, against which TIM intends to strengthen the measures already implemented, acting in synergy with the Consumer Associations.

The collaboration protocol, also open to other Consumer Associations, has a duration of one year at the end of which the parties will jointly evaluate the possibility of renewal after a careful analysis of the results achieved.
